Best Hydroponics Systems and Supplies


07/10/2014 20:57

Advantages of Using Wooden Mulch

Many plant species are highly adaptable to their environments. Some are capable of thriving in extreme conditions such as in the arid and hot environments of deserts. Even with minimal nutrients and water, many plant species can survive. Hence, it is not surprising why they can be cultivated and grown in soilless media. Wooden mulch is one of the most common materials that can be used both in hydroponic and soil-based gardening.


As long as water, sunlight and the essential nutrients are present, plants can thrive. Hydroponic systems allow for convenient horticultural and agricultural cultivations in places that have scarcity of arable lands. These systems are also ideal for indoor plant cultivation. These make it possible for high-rise apartments to have balcony gardens or garden rooms. Using wooden mulch for these indoor gardens is excellent in terms of providing mechanical support and moisture retention.


Wooden mulch is typically used in conjunction with other growth media such as soil, vermiculite and perlite. Wooden mulch is laid on top of the main growth media to minimize water evaporation, regulate temperature, and provide some protection against weed growth. Since wooden mulch is an organic material, it may eventually decompose. The decomposition will provide additional nutrients for the plants. As the mulch decomposes, it helps improve soil permeability, bioactivity and structure.


Using wood mulch is also good in terms of helping in environmental conservation. These materials are commonly derived from scrap recycled wood materials such as from demolished buildings. In this manner, the scrap wood materials are not wasted. Wood mulch can also be derived from pruned and lopped trees. Aside from helping in recycling, using wood mulch and chips also enhance the aesthetic appeal of garden surface. These materials are commonly used in landscape design and playground surfacing because of their ability to lessen mechanical impact.


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07/10/2014 20:53

Controlling pH Levels of Growth Media


The acidity or alkalinity levels of plant growth media fluctuate within certain range. The fluctuation is determined by various factors such as the type of growth media, the amount of water, and concentration of specific minerals. Most plant species thrive in growth media that have pH range of between pH 5.5 and pH 7.0, which is from slightly acidic to neutral.


On the other hand, there are plants such as oregano and hardy carnation that prefer highly alkaline growth media, ranging from pH 8 to pH 10. Hence, the alkalinity or acidity level of the growth media must be adjusted depending on the species of plant. There might be a need for regular measurements and adjustments to prevent the plants from dying.


Depending on the plant species and its needs, the pH level may be adjusted within the ideal range by either adding certain types of minerals or diluting these minerals with water. Rain, over-watering, application of fertilizers, presence of other plants, and natural weathering process can upset the pH balance. The number one cause of soil acidity is rain itself. Rain is slightly acidic at pH 5.7 because of its reaction with the carbon dioxide in the air, formic carbonic acid in the process.


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07/10/2014 20:45

Indoor Gardening as a Hobby

Cities and other highly urbanized centers lack sufficient land areas that are available for household gardening. Very few city dwellers can afford houses that are built in lots with garden areas or turf. The dense population in cities makes it necessary to build skyward. Condominium buildings, high-rise apartments and tenements are the most practical and cost-effective means of accommodating millions of people in relatively small and crowded areas.


Consequently, gardening as a household pastime is much rarer in cities. Nonetheless, this does not necessarily mean that the hobby is impossible to pursue in highly urbanized areas. The alternative is indoor gardening, which can be done even in small apartments. In most cases, only small amount of soil such as those that can be fitted in flower pots are needed.


Hydroponic or soilless means of cultivating plants is the more efficient and oftentimes cost-effective means of pursuing indoor gardening as a hobby. By eliminating soil, a hydroponic system can significantly reduce not only the use of space but also the weight. It is also less messy because "cleaner" growth media such as perlite, vermiculite and expanded clay aggregate. These are inert media that can provide mechanical support for plants and are good in retaining moisture.


The best thing about hydroponic system is that the amount of nutrients, water and other factors of growth can be precisely controlled. Hence, the system is ideal for indoor cultivation of plants. Rare and precious flowering plants can be grown with high degree of precision and control.


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07/10/2014 20:32

Alternative Ways of Cultivating Plants

Cultivating plants the traditional way is still the most common and practical means of mass-propagation either for horticultural purposes or agricultural purposes. Flower cultivation, landscaping, medicinal herb-raising, and backyard vegetable gardening are just some of the types of gardening that can be pursued by an individual either as a hobby or as practical endeavor.


Property owners who have ample garden space in their yards may take it for granted how easy it is to cultivate various types of plants. They can cultivate plants for different purposes and for different seasons. The same is not true for those who live in high rise apartments or townhouses that do not have backyards or front yards.


For those who do not have garden plots because of space constraints, there are some alternative methods that can be utilized. Using flowerpots, window plant boxes and tiered or multilevel plant containers is good alterative if the space is too small for a garden plot. These plant containers can also be used in high rise apartments. Plants in these containers can be placed by the windows or in the balcony to receive ample sunlight.


Hydroponic system is another alternative way of cultivating plant. It can be used to cultivate wide varieties and species of plants indoors. This system is ideal for plant nurseries but can also be used to sustained fully-grown plants. This system eliminates the use of soil, allowing for cleaner and more efficient means of growing plants in precise manner.


If you need to learn more about the topic discussed in the article or related topic such as fungus gnats prevention you may visit our CXHydroponics website. You may also explore this for more details about the products we are offering.


07/10/2014 20:27

Ample Amount of Water for Hydroponics Systems


All plants need water but the amount of water that can be absorbed and productively utilized depends on the size, species and growth stage of plants. Some plants thrive in swamps and other water-rich environments such as ponds. Some plants such as cacti easily survive in arid and hot environments.


They only need very minimal amount of water. Most garden plants, however, have specific range of tolerance to water. Most plants will wither and die if the water supply falls below the range. Conversely, they can potentially drown if the water is excessive. Excessive water may also lead to nutrient deficiency because of the dilution.


Plants that are grown in hydroponic systems can be supplied with water in at least two different ways. The most common is to simply allow water to be absorbed by the growth media, letting it flow and evaporate. Another way is to re-circulate water in the system.


This will allow for the preservation of nutrients and minerals. Re-circulating water will optimize the absorption of minerals and other nutrients instead of simply wasting them as runoffs. Both methods can be automated by using programmable sprayers. Automating the water supply will make it possible to precisely control the growth of the plants.


If you want to know more about the topic discussed in the article or about hydroponic gardening, you can visit our cxhydroponics website. You may also further explore for specific information about the products we are selling.


06/11/2013 19:13

Best Hydroponic Nutrients: Macronutrients and Micronutrients Plants Need

If you are maintaining a hydroponic garden on your own, you have to be familiar with hydroponic nutrients. Generally, plants grown hydroponically need the same type of nutrients as those grown in soil. When you look for fertilizers (or nutrients in hydroponic gardening) you see 3 numbers on the bottle or bag. These numbers are the N-P-K (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) for a specific fertilizer. The numbers stand for the percentage for each nutrient that's in the container. Also it's important for you to know essential macronutrients and micronutrients plants require. 




Essential macronutrients include potassium nitrate, potassium sulphate, calcium nitrate, magnesuim sulphate, and mono potassium phosphate. Each element contained in these macronutrients gives a different benefit.


* Sulfur and Nitrogen are vital to the supply of proteins and amino acids.


* Phosphorus is important in photosynthesis and to the overall growth and development of plants.


* Nitrogen and Magnesium also play an important role in the generation of chlorophyll.


* Calcium is important in cell growth and is a part of the components of cell walls.  


* Magnesium and Potassium act as catalysts in the production of sugars and starches.




Choose the correct micronutrients your plants need. Micronutrients, also known as trace elements, are also very important. However, they are needed in very small quantities only; that's why they're called "micronutrients." These elements mainly affect reproduction and growth of plants. Essential micronutrients include chlorine, iron, boron, zinc, manganese, silicon, nickel, cobalt, sodium, molybdenum, and copper.


To get the best hydroponic nutrients available online, click on the given link.


06/11/2013 13:38

Simple Fungus Gnat Prevention Tips for Vegetable Plants

fungus-gnat-preventionIf you see adult fungus gnats flying around or near your plants, for sure there are also larvae feasting on your plants' roots. To monitor their population, use little yellow sticky strips placed horizontally right next to your plants. The adult gnats are not good in flying, making them very easy to trap. The yellow sticky traps are useful for monitoring the population but they cannot control the larvae which create the real damage to plants. Here are some simple fungus gnat prevention tips targeting the larvae.  

* Place inch-long slices of raw potato on the surface of the soil. Fungus gnat larvae will migrate to the potato pieces within 4 hours to much on them. After several hours, check on the potato slices, look for very small black-headed larvae both on and under the potato and then dispose the slices properly.

* Allow the soil of your plants to dry out for a few days. Since fungus gnats thrive on wet conditions, they will die with this process. But make sure your plants can tolerate several days without water.

* Consider getting an effective and affordable fungus gnat prevention product. Also, there are parasitic nematodes that kill fungus gnat larvae, but this product is more useful for bigger-scale gardens. Neem oil is also a very effective all-natural fungus gnat control material and could be used as a soil drench to kill the gnat eggs.

* Fungus gnats could also be controlled easily by using a simple product you can find in your very home. The larvae will die when they come in direct contact with hydrogen peroxide. Use the standard 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide without added ingredients. The process includes allowing the soil to dry out for a couple of days so the top 2 inches of soil is dry. This is where the larvae dwell, and they won't be able to survive in dry soil. During drought, fungus gnat larvae will delay their development, but when the soil is wet again, they'll resume eating and growing.

Follow the link provided or watch the video below to learn about fungus gnat prevention products that work.   


06/11/2013 11:56

Best Flower Enhancer Tips: How to Encourage Pepper Plants to Bloom


best flower enhancerAre your pepper plants not doing very well? Are they producing lots of lush foliage but there is only few or no flowers at all? This sounds a bad thing. You should do something about it before all your efforts, time, and money go to waste. So how do you get them to bud, bloom, and bear an abundant amount of food? Here are some best flower enhancer tips:

To make pepper plants flower, you have to give them more potassium and phosphorous, and less nitrogen. Too much nitrogen will only encourage them to produce a lot of leaves, which therefore compromising the bloom as almost all of the plants' energy go to the production of foliage alone.

If you are giving your pepper plants a balanced diet, such as 8-8-8 (these three numbers refer to the percentage of N-P-K or nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium in the mixture), you must stop this program at once. Also, you should avoid mixtures such as 24-6-8, which is very high in nitrogen. Instead, give your plants a mix with high level of phosphorous or the best flower enhancer available.

There are a number of flower-boosting blends in the market today. It's important to get the right mix; 10-30-20 is a good blend. You could apply flower enhancer every week for 2 to 3 weeks, but not more, as phosphorous can linger in the soil. 

It goes without saying that essential cultural conditions should be met, as well. Peppers need long hours (6 hours is ideal) of full sunlight, an inch of water every week, and a humus type of soil that drains well.

To get a great harvest, give your pepper plants the right food, all suitable cultural conditions, and the best flower enhancer. Click on the given link to learn how to achieve all of these, or watch the video below. 


06/11/2013 10:46

Simple and Effective Pythium Treatment Tips for Hydroponic Plants

pythium treatmentPythium or root rot disease harms the roots of your plants, turning while healthy roots to grey or brown. It's often called the problem of damping off. Typically, rigid root zones start to slime as they are damaged and clog the system with dead organic debris. An infected root system is an excellent environment for pathogens to thrive and flourish, and could rapidly circulate and harm other plants, particularly those grown in hydroponic systems. So to keep your plants healthy take note of this Pythium treatment guide:  

Make sure everything is clean. Get rid of all dead organic matters such as stems, leaves, and roots, and pay attention to your plants, the sides of your reservoirs, the floors. They should all be removed from the area to make sure that recontamination does not happen easily. Schedule a cleaning period so you won't forget to fall behind.

Before working on your hydroponic garden, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly. And wash them frequently to reduce the risk of spreading contagions around your gardening equipment and especially your plants. 

Sterilize EVERYTHING that comes in contact with your plants, from gardening tools or pots to your buckets of water or your clothing. Usually, people forget about things such as hoses, cleaning rags, and pH testers. 

Add water sterilizing product to make sure any lingering dead debris is broken down and your system becomes unconducive for pathogens like the Pythium.

Prevention is always better than cure. So make sure you choose an effective pythium treatment product with the right amount of Potassium your plants need to combat Pythium.


05/11/2013 19:09

Growing Hydroponic Tomatoes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tomatoes in a hydroponic garden are grown in nutrient solution, instead of garden soil. Growing tomatoes using a hydroponic system allows you to raise them in a regulated environment without insects, weeds, or soil-borne diseases. Hydroponic tomatoes grow significantly faster than those grown in soil, and provide greater yields. Here is a step-by-step guide in growing tomato plants hydroponically: 

1. Raise tomatoes from seed. Start planting the seed in a nursery tray with rock wool starter. Soak the wool and then adjust the pH level to 4.5 before you add the seeds. Then put seeds on the domes. 

2. As soon as the seedlings sprout, put them under a steel halide light source for 12 hours every day. Make sure the light does not aim on the roots, otherwise they can get damaged. 

3. Transplant the seedlings into your hydroponic system. Wait until the roots begin to protrude from of tray's bottom. Move the rock wool and the plant together.   

4. Grow each plant in individual pots. Fill them with haydite (reusable, porous rock). Then connect them into an automated drip-irrigation system. You could also put the rock wool and plant into holes space about 30 cm (1 ft) apart in a trough of rock wool.     

5. Water the tomato plants. Drip nutrients and water into the container or trough when the artificial light is on. Mature tomato plants require four liters a day. You have to alter the nutrient solution every week. Choose the right mix of hydroponics nutrients
